There are several reasons why some people might fear the re-emergence of wild animals such as wolves, bears, and bison (wisent) in Europe:

  1. Safety concerns: Some people might fear that these animals pose a threat to their safety or the safety of their livestock or pets. This fear may be rooted in past experiences with these animals or stories they have heard about attacks.
  2. Economic concerns: In some areas, the reintroduction of large predators such as wolves or bears can have an impact on local economies. For example, farmers may worry about their livestock being preyed upon, while hunters may be concerned about competition for game.
  3. Cultural and social attitudes: In some cases, the fear of these animals may be driven by cultural and social attitudes towards them. For example, some people may view wolves as a symbol of evil or danger, while others may see bears as unpredictable or aggressive.

However, it’s important to note that these fears are not necessarily grounded in reality. In many cases, the benefits of restoring these animals to their natural habitats can outweigh the risks. For example, reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park in the United States has helped restore balance to the ecosystem and led to increased biodiversity. Similarly, the reintroduction of bison to certain areas of Europe can have positive ecological and cultural benefits.

It can be interesting to analyze how other countries live with wildlife, such as Canada for example?

Living in Canada, where there is abundant wildlife, is generally considered safe as long as people take appropriate precautions and follow basic safety guidelines. While it is true that Canada is home to many large and potentially dangerous animals such as bears, cougars, and wolves, the likelihood of encountering them in urban areas is relatively low.

However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with living in areas where wildlife is present. For example, hikers, campers, and hunters should take precautions to avoid attracting bears or cougars by properly storing food and garbage, carrying bear spray or other deterrents, and making noise to alert animals to their presence.

In general, it’s important to respect the natural habitat of these animals and to be mindful of their presence. By being aware of the risks and taking appropriate precautions, people can safely enjoy living in areas where wildlife is present.