Citizen science is a collaborative approach to scientific research, in which members of the public participate in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. In Germany, citizen […]
Which technology can help to fight the loss of biodiversity?
Today we want to have a look at several technologies that can be used to fight the loss of biodiversity, including: Overall, technology can play […]
How tiny forests can improve inner City climate
Tiny forests, also known as Miyawaki forests, are dense, urban forests that are designed to mimic natural forests, but on a much smaller scale. These […]
Why its important to let rivers run
A natural river flow is essential for the health and survival of wildlife in and around the water. Here are some ways in which natural […]
Turn your balcony in an biodiversity dream
Supporting local insects on your balcony is a great way to contribute to biodiversity and promote a healthy ecosystem. Here are some tips on how […]
Rewilding organizations in Europe
Here are some rewilding organizations in Europe: These are just a few examples of rewilding organizations in Europe. There are many other organizations and initiatives […]
What to plant to safe the bees
There are many shrubs that can support bees and insects in Middle Europe. Here are a few examples: These are just a few examples of […]
The decline of insects
There is growing concern about the decline of insect populations in Europe, and worldwide. The decline in insect populations has been linked to factors such […]
Keystone Species
A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionately large impact on its ecosystem relative to its abundance. Keystone species are often seen as […]
Status quo of wilderness in Europe
The amount of real wildness in Europe varies depending on how it is defined and measured. In general, Europe is a densely populated and heavily […]